Il corso ha come obiettivo quello di fornirà ai partecipanti una conoscenza base delle princiapli funzionalità del software After Effects introducendoli al mondo dei Visual Effects. Durante il corso verranno affrontati le principali tipologie di effettistica digitale e verranno forniti gli strumenti necessari per poter iniziare ad elaborare semplici sequenze, arricchite di VFX, in maniera autonoma. Tra gli argomenti trattati troveranno inoltre spazio accenni alla Color Correction e ai principi di Animazione. Questo corso può essere erogato su 3 gg (per chi già conosce il software), ma anche in 5 gg (se non si hanno competenze, calcolando anche esercitazioni pratiche)
The world of Motion Design
terminology, softwares, hardware, plugins, scripting, rhythm
Working with video
layers, timeline, styles, blending modes
frames and keyframes
interpolation and easing
workflow and organization
AE Interface
main panels, customization of the workspace
compositions and precompositions
AE Projects
creating and saving projects
preparing and importing assets
Drawing and animating
drawing vectors in AE
importing vectors from Illustrator
null objects
linking layers and properties
adding effects
Laying out and animating Texts
writing and animating text
advanced animation techniques with animators
adding filters for advanced animations
kinetik typography
drawing masks
track-matting: using layers as masks
rotobrush tool
refine edge techniques for advanced rotobrushing
content aware tool
built in transition tools
tips and tricks to use masks and effects for transitions
2d animation
drawing and animating a character
the puppet tool drawing with the brush tool
3d animation
3d layers, camera, lights
creating a 3d scene usind 2d assets
interaction between AE and C4D
Color correction
using built in tools to correct colors: Lumetri, Levels, Curves, Hue, etc
luma key, chroma key, Keylight
removing green back from footage
stabilization of shaky footage
tracking objects
tracking camera
camera lock effect
overview of Mocha for area tracking
Timelapse and Slowmotion
changing footage speed
time remapping
Generative Tools
overview of some generative tools: fractal noise, lens flare, grids, radiowaves, lightnings, etc
how to use sound intensity to modify effects parameters and synchronize video to the music
Ad hoc